Keystone Reunions
The Massachusetts Keystone Project (formerly Coverts) has been training influential conservation leaders for 30 years. Instead of training new cooperators in 2019, we are hosting 3 reunion workshops for Keystone alumni. Lunch and light morning refreshments will be served. Please join us at any or all of the following events:
Saturday, February 9th, 2019
Economic Impacts of Land Protection
MassWildlife HQ, Westborough MA
Saturday, March 9th, 2019
Forest Health
Chesterfield Senior Center, Chesterfield MA
Saturday, April 6th, 2019
Forest Carbon
Harvard Forest, Petersham MA
Please RSVP to Paul Catanzaro if you plan on attending.
Cooperator Quotes
"Much better knowledge base and appreciation for the role of managing forests specifically for wildlife."
“Great speakers, great discussion within our group and great questions initiated more great discussions.”